Lunch & Learns

When I say “inspiring the healthy spirit animal in others is my passion” - I truly mean it. One way I love to do that is meeting you guys and sharing my knowledge in a more intimate setting and giving you a safe (and fun) place to ask me questions about food, fitness and anything health and wellness related.

These lunch & learns are made for just that.


If you feel like you are working hard, but not seeing results in your health goals - these are for you.

If you have had some set backs and are ready to get started on your comeback - these are for you.

If you are proud of your progress but need help taking the next step in your goals - these are for you.

If you are looking to champion changes for your family and looking to welcome someone into your home to give you the tools to be the best healthy version of yourselves - these are for you.

virtual lunch & learn

Next Date TBD